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  • #1371

    VTB Foundation & Governance

    The Foundation is already created and is in Gibraltar, as mentioned above. The Foundation will also undergo some changes as time goes on, including more council members. In time, new council members will replace the founding council members, ensuring the project lives on past the original team. C suite positions within the Foundation will be appointed as required. This included functions such as CEO, CTO, CFO, etc. These will be paid positions and have clear mandates to fulfill this white paper’s mission.

    Governance is a complex structure and requires extensive planning, as stated above. This will have a period of development and some trials until the best fit is fully fleshed out.

    1. Foundation is already created
    2. Onboard first new council members, ongoing
    3. Release first democratic strategy draft 2022 Q3
    4. Create runtime upgrade proposal system 2022 Q4

    You may consult our White Paper for a complete reference of this whole section at

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